German White Chocolate with Roasted Hazelnuts

It’s time for another chocolate-themed post! This time, we’re exploring the wonderful world of white chocolate.

Ritter Sport is one of Germany’s most famous chocolate brands with delightful selections. Their chocolate is no stranger to me – the last time I tasted Ritter Sport’s chocolate was on-board a flight many moons ago. I’ve had their chocolate a handful of times before in the sky, and loved snacking on them. Each pack is sized perfectly for traveling too, as it’s neither huge nor tiny.

Recently, it dawned upon me that I’ve yet to taste their chocolates on land in forever. With an uprising nostalgia of both embarking on international adventures and the excitement of traveling, I was determined to make my in-flight memories of snacking on chocolate a reality! On top of that, my mission was to pick a chocolate bar I’ve yet to taste, in the name of fun. Hence, White Chocolate with Hazelnuts is the winner!



What I’ve come to realize about white chocolate is it, like dark chocolate, is much nicer when it’s consumed in small portions. The reason behind this, however, differs from dark chocolate – white chocolate is sweeter and milkier (to my palate). From bits of sleuthing on white chocolate, I learnt that it primarily comprises of cocoa butter, sugar and milk: which explains its distinctive taste. People seem to lean to either “yay” or “nay” when it comes to white chocolate. I am most definitely a member of the “yay” squad, although white chocolate sits in my shopping basket occasionally.


It’s no secret that Germans love their chocolate. German chocolates (especially brands like Ritter Sport, Milka, Kinder Bueno) tend to hit the sweet spot amongst chocolate enthusiasts. It’s no exception with this block of chocolate. Hazelnuts + White Chocolate = a simple happy combo.

Fun fact: there’s a giant Ritter Sport store in Berlin called “Colorful Chocolate World” (Bunte Schokowelt in German) featuring all things chocolate. I think “Colorful” is a nod to their bold-colored packages. From customizable chocolates to a chocolate cafe, it’s heaven for choco-holics. The store space is also home to the brand’s greatest hits and special collections. If I’m visiting Berlin, I reckon I’d drop by the cafe for a glass of hot chocolate. And I wouldn’t leave without bringing some chocolate bars home.

It’s time to taste a piece from the chocolate block! In my very first bite, the taste strangely reminded me of nougat. From the second bite onwards, I identified two primary elements: rich white chocolate and hazelnuts. There was, however, something different about that piece I had been chewing on – I detected a supporting character to the headlining co-stars: a sweet-ish yet crispy element. “What is that?” I wondered whilst chewing thoughtfully.


As it turns out, ‘crispy rice’ is a listed ingredient too! I was surprised by this revelation, yet glad that the mystery had been solved. It’s a welcomed texture, being somewhat in-between those of white chocolate and hazelnuts.


Whole crunchy hazelnuts seemingly fill the chocolate in its entirety (to be precise, it’s 25% of the block), much to my delight. This sweet treat encompasses a simple flavor concept that is executed beautifully.

All in all, I love this chocolate block. It’s an indulgent treat, and it brought old memories while making new ones through my mini expedition!

5 thoughts on “German White Chocolate with Roasted Hazelnuts

  1. Yay! We are both members of the “Yay White Chocolate Squad”! And I think we have might Ritter chocolates here in the Bay Area. They look familiar. As I was looking at your mouthwatering photos, they got me craving white chocolates. I will definitely get some next time I go shopping! Thanks for your delicious sweet posts! 🙂

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